Monday, October 15, 2007

UI Emergency

In last Tursday, I cut my eyebrow by somebody's head in soccer game.

I thought that it wasn't serious, but right now, I saw a lot of blooding in my hand.

Immediately, I went to an UI Emergency with my elder teammates.

Emergency was different than I thought. Workers didn't look busy.

Surprisingly, it spent more than 30 minutes to receive medical treatment even though I didn't need to saw my eyebrow.

It was curious place, but I don't want to go to there again.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Good bye Sang joon

Yesterday, sang joon went back to the Korea. I felt empty after he left.

In monday night, we gave a party in Ludge which is D and David's room for him. Chaz, Edward, Linda and Kelly came to the party. Some students who attend a IIEP and D and David's neighborhoods also came to the party.

It was proceeded at 5 o'clock. And, he left the Ludge at 7:30 to go to the airport. I saw him out to the door.

I will miss you

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


As you know, all IIEP class members took a fied trip to Chicago. Unfortunately, however, we could stay only about 7 hours in Chicago. So, I was interested in shopping rather than sightseeing the architecture.
First, we got off the bus at the Field Museum, but we just looked at it. And then, we saw Lake Michigan. It looked like a sea because it was reallly huge, and some sea gulls were there.
As soon as we left that place, we went to China Town to eat lunch.
After lunch, we took a subway to go to Michigan Avenue. I thought that subway in Chicago was worse than ours because it was so noisy.
Michigan Avenue was like my hometown. Only one different thing was that more old buildings existed there.
In Sports Authority on Michigan Avenue, I bought some things I wanted. Those were cheaper than in Korea.
As a result, Chicago field trip was fun. However, I should have spent more time to look at a lot of places. I really wanted to look at the night view of Chicago in the Sears Tower!!!!