Monday, September 10, 2007


As you know, my name is Hyun Ho Nho. Actually, Hyun or Hun is easy to pronounce. Ridiculously, my roommates call me 'Yun' .
I'm from South Korea which has one of the fastest internet speed in the world.
As Chaz already know, I love soccer very much. I had played soccer every weekand in Korea. When I arrived U of Iowa, I really tried to find soccer team. It was too hard because there were any ad and explanation about them. However, my friend who helped me when I suffered from delivering baggages from IMU to Mayflower introduced a team for me. Finally, I joined it last week.
I like this city even though I arrived here only one month ago. As you know, Iowa city is very quiet and peaceful place. If you read it, you may laugh. However, because my hometown has always been noisy, I have wanted to live less noisy place. So, I am satisfied about these characteristics of it.


eunyoung's blog said...

Hi, hyunho
Your smile is so nice!
nice to meet you!

Maitha said...

Don't worry alot !
You will be better by the time..

Linda said...

Your picture is you, really. Enjoy your life, and do your best!

Rebecca K said...

I am glad you were able to join a soccer team. That is great exercise! Are your team members American?

sangjoon.son said...

be brave man!! shyguy!!

ChaZ said...

u guys look like a bunch of warcraft player