Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Claim something after you did something.

Actually, my family, including father's and mother's, is conservative. So, I kept a lot of etiquettes about formal and informal party, talking with adults, and even acting with woman. At that time, I should do it without any saying bacause I was too young to claim my own opinion.

I know I have told a lie a lot of time. I know sometimes my action and saying are totally different. It is because practicing what I said is really hard. However, I have always tried to keep myself at least my family's rule. It means I almost did what I wanted to say. So, I can say this confidently: "Be a polite person!!"

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My dream

In elementary school, I had a lot of dreams. I wanted to be a athlete, firefighter, police officier, scientist, teacher, professor and even persident. Also I wanted to earn honor, popularity and a lof of money. It was because I was just kid. However, whenever I aged, my dreams were disappeared one by one. Right now, I don't know what is my real dream. I just study and play without any object. So, sometimes I worry about my future. Actually, I have no talent which is absolutely better than other people. I can do everything better than normal, but those are not remarkable. I am really confusing now.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Thanksgiving in Korea

Actually, Korea thanksgiving day was already over. However, it is one of the biggest holiday in Korea.

According to the news, almost half of Korean move to other places like grandparents's hometown at that time. So, there are really enormous traffic jams all of roads in Korea.

If people's hometown is far from their relative's one(Of course, if comparing it with America, its distance is really close), thanksgivind day is one of a few chances to meet them.

I really like it because 3 to 5 holidays are given to Korea. This period was always fun time to me!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

My home

Mayflower which is my home is always nosiy place except my room. It is one of the biggest dormitories in UI. Also it has kitchen different from other dorms.
I live with 2 roommates. One is RA of my floor. He is really kind and helps me a lot. Another roommate do computer a lot. He always sit in front of his great computer.
Fortunately, my room is really big. Everyone envy it whenever they visit my room.
Differently from other rooms in Mayflower, my room isn't inside of the building. I mean, door is outside of the building like apartment. So I suffered to have good relationship to my floor neighborhood because I only had a few chances to meet them. However, finally, I did.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fall in Iowa city

It's something cold in fall of iowa, but my roommate says that this weather is warmer than any other falls in iowa.

There are a lot of huge trees in U iowa. Also in fall, they change their color bright red, brown and yellow like pictures of becky's blog. I always look at them whenever I go to the Hillcrest hall to eat lunch. It looks great~!!

I am really surprised that some people still wear short t-shirts in this fall. It's wierd.

Monday, October 15, 2007

UI Emergency

In last Tursday, I cut my eyebrow by somebody's head in soccer game.

I thought that it wasn't serious, but right now, I saw a lot of blooding in my hand.

Immediately, I went to an UI Emergency with my elder teammates.

Emergency was different than I thought. Workers didn't look busy.

Surprisingly, it spent more than 30 minutes to receive medical treatment even though I didn't need to saw my eyebrow.

It was curious place, but I don't want to go to there again.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Good bye Sang joon

Yesterday, sang joon went back to the Korea. I felt empty after he left.

In monday night, we gave a party in Ludge which is D and David's room for him. Chaz, Edward, Linda and Kelly came to the party. Some students who attend a IIEP and D and David's neighborhoods also came to the party.

It was proceeded at 5 o'clock. And, he left the Ludge at 7:30 to go to the airport. I saw him out to the door.

I will miss you

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


As you know, all IIEP class members took a fied trip to Chicago. Unfortunately, however, we could stay only about 7 hours in Chicago. So, I was interested in shopping rather than sightseeing the architecture.
First, we got off the bus at the Field Museum, but we just looked at it. And then, we saw Lake Michigan. It looked like a sea because it was reallly huge, and some sea gulls were there.
As soon as we left that place, we went to China Town to eat lunch.
After lunch, we took a subway to go to Michigan Avenue. I thought that subway in Chicago was worse than ours because it was so noisy.
Michigan Avenue was like my hometown. Only one different thing was that more old buildings existed there.
In Sports Authority on Michigan Avenue, I bought some things I wanted. Those were cheaper than in Korea.
As a result, Chicago field trip was fun. However, I should have spent more time to look at a lot of places. I really wanted to look at the night view of Chicago in the Sears Tower!!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Summit ㅡ.ㅡ

I went to a summit last friday night.

I have never gone club like summit. So, I worried about that.

As a result, I don't like summit now.

There were a lot of people in there. I was relly hard to move.

Also there were a lot of smokers in there. I was hard to breathe too.

Even though I like to dance, I don't want to go that place again.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Resident Evil: Extinction

Last night, I went to a movie theater with my roommate, D and David.
That plan was begun 8 o'clock. My roommate said suddenly to me while I had been doing computer.

"Do you want to watch Resident Evil?"

"Of course!! But where?"

"In theater"

In fact, I had a plan to go to the theater with sang joon to watch Resident evil. Unfortunately, however, it was broken. So I answered immediately.
And I called D and David because I already knew they also wanted to watch that movie a lot. Of course, they also answered immediately.

It was really exciting movie. As melissa said, it was about zombie. I was amazed sometimes, but it was really fun.

I'm sure many people know that movie. If you aren't watch this movie yet, I will recommand it for you!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Go to the LUDGE

I went to the LUDGE after the class.
That place was that D and David live in.
I really impressed about water. It was different to my room's one. When I took shower in their room, it was felt softly.
I played computer game, particularly Warcraft, at night. Because of that, I went to bed at 5 o'clock.
Unfortunately, however, I didn't study at friday and saturday.
I have to study tomorrow.

That is not good fact~!

Monday, September 10, 2007


As you know, my name is Hyun Ho Nho. Actually, Hyun or Hun is easy to pronounce. Ridiculously, my roommates call me 'Yun' .
I'm from South Korea which has one of the fastest internet speed in the world.
As Chaz already know, I love soccer very much. I had played soccer every weekand in Korea. When I arrived U of Iowa, I really tried to find soccer team. It was too hard because there were any ad and explanation about them. However, my friend who helped me when I suffered from delivering baggages from IMU to Mayflower introduced a team for me. Finally, I joined it last week.
I like this city even though I arrived here only one month ago. As you know, Iowa city is very quiet and peaceful place. If you read it, you may laugh. However, because my hometown has always been noisy, I have wanted to live less noisy place. So, I am satisfied about these characteristics of it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


One of the most popular soccer team in the world.